Discover Quick Look for spatial computing 

Quick look is a system framework to preview and edit files. It is secure and private to protect you from unsafe files.  Just hit space on macOS or long press on iOS.  On VisionOS you pinch and drag the file outside of the application window.  Supports print and drag for… Continue reading

Meet Object Capture for iOS

Intro for Object Capture for iOS – allows you to use Computer Vision to create lifelike 3D models which can be used in Object Capture API on Mac, but now you can do on device reconstruction for iOS.  There is a sample application to learn how to do this.  … Continue reading

Meet SwiftUI for Spatial Computing 

This is a high-level review of SwiftUI’s extensions for xrOS  All of xrOS was built in SwiftUI Buttons can provide audio feedback when pressed.  With Spatial computing we have to use Scenes, see the three types defined in other sessions – Window, Volume, and Full Space.  Breaking down the structure… Continue reading