SwiftData / SwiftUI Combo Frustrations

The last few posts have been about my re-write of my personal application to address greeting cards. This has been a very frustrating effort as I’ve tried to restructure the app’s UI to better adhere to Apple’s design principles in order to allow the user edit both a recipient’s Address… Continue reading

Card Tracker Rewrite Update

This weekend I had a major milestone of the rewrite. All features are working (except edits). I was successful in adding a new feature of allowing for looking at all the cards sent for a specific event, i.e. Show me all the Christmas cards by date and recipient. This new… Continue reading

Build an app with SwiftData

Check out “Meet SwiftData” to cover the basics.  This is a code along session (https://developer.apple.com/wwdc23/10154) and you should download the code from https://developer.apple.com/documentation/SwiftUI/Building-a-document-based-app-using-SwiftData  The code along get’s you to build a cross platform code flashcard app.   Meet the App SwiftData models Querying models to display in UI Creating and… Continue reading