Wasted Time’s Latest Rewrite

As is my habit each summer after WWDC, I rewrite my Wasted Time app to try and take advantage of the latest changes for iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS. This summer has been no difference; however, I also took some time to completely refactor the application to no longer use… Continue reading

Completed two major classes

I like learning. It’s that simple. I like to take classes, learn new things, read about new things, and play with new things. It’s one of the reasons I think I like being in technology, there are always new things to learn. Early last year I decided to start the… Continue reading

Wasted Time Updates!

This past weekend I released updates to both WastedTime and WastedTime Watch. For WastedTime it was a minor bug fix, you can no longer end a meeting before it starts. Who would have thought of that one?! For WastedTime Watch, this was the total re-write I was working on. It… Continue reading