WWDC 2022 – Day Four – The nitty gritty

Yesterday was a really productive day. As always, there was too much content to get to it all, but I learned a ton of new things that I want to go back and learn more about over the summer.  There were multiple sessions that have led me to rethink some… Continue reading

Upcoming ELM User Group Presentation

I’m really excited to announce I will presenting at the upcoming IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management User Group Virtual Conference. During the session will be taking customers and partners thru the OSLC based API discovery process, including creating the ETM Test Plan. I will be taking questions and showing demos, so… Continue reading

API Authentication Method in ELM – OIDC

In my last post I took you thru the OAuth 1.0a API flow.  While there are three APIs defined in the RootServices document which enable you to execute the flow, it is still a lot of work to ultimately get your OAuth 1.0a Token for usage.  This token is only… Continue reading

Welcome to API Corner

“With Great Power comes Great Responsibility”. I remember first hearing this phrase in Spider Man comics.  But it has a much longer history than that.  Wikipedia indicates that this is actually an ancient phrase going back to the first century BC.  I find that IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management’s (IBM ELM’s) … Continue reading