Apple Design Awards 2022

Looking at this year’s design finalists – I’ve only used three of them. Let’s see if they win.

The three I’ve used or played are Wylde Flowers (an enjoyable game), Vectornator: Vector Design (for vector graphics editing), and Lego Star Wars: Castaways (another game).

Great quotes from the video:

Love the idea that Design creating art with code!

Design let’s users instantly understand very complex ideas and features. Getting things simple is good design.

Failing is part of every creative process.

Solving your own problem – a real way to get started.

“Giggly feel”

Take all that power and make it usable and simple.

Making something simple is quite complex.

Challenge is to keep limits in place so you actually get something done.

stick to your original idea

If you only get inspiration from others games, you’ll just create another game.

Don’t chase the market, chase your passion.

Let’s keep on building it!

And the winers are:

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