100 Days of Swift – Notes App

As I continue to work on the 100 Days of Swift projects from https://hackingwithswift/100 by Paul Hudson, I am really enjoying how the consolidation days pull together things you’ve learned up to that point. Today, Day 74, was a really cool project. Basically, I had to recreate a version of the Apple Notes App.

As you can see, it’s not a direct copy, for example I don’t handle all the formatting, etc. but It is a passing simulation of the app.

I have posted my code on GitHub https://github.com/TheApApp/ChallangeDay74/ in order to see if I can improve it. So please take a look and provide any feedback you’d like. I am sure I have made it a bit overly complex in some areas.

While I don’t like using Interface Builder, that was part of the assignment.

I do like how easy it is to add the share sheet feature in Swift, so you can take the simple text note and share the contents with others.

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