1st Announcement of this week
Well, Apple has done it again… They have messed with my upgrade cycle. I had decided that I would be on a 1 year cycle for iPad upgrades, and they put out a new 4th Gen iPad before the year is up. The new A6x chip and the Lightning adapter are the things that will…
Next Week is Big
Over the last month I’ve seen a lot of talk about the upcoming rumored iPad mini, Windows Phone, and Samsung’s latest device. All of these seem to be coming to a head next week. October 23rd is Apple’s something little event, Samsung is expected to announce the Galaxy Note II on the 24th, Microsoft Announces…
Read Me
Amelie is a tumblog theme with flexible logo, navigation, sidebar and header options. Promoted Blocks in Blog Posts If an Image, Video, Gallery or Map Block is the first block in a post, it is ‘promoted’ above the title and expanded to the top corners. This feature can be turned on or off with…
Windows 8 and the phone
It appears that Windows Phone SDK is finally getting released at the end of this month. I’ve been looking at a lot of different reports lately about the amount of apps by platform, the growth by platform, and popularity of various other aspects. To that end, whenever I see these reports I think “would I,…
Catching up on some blogging
Sometimes I forget how fast time can move when you are busy. I’ve been meaning to blog since going to the escapist expo a few weeks ago, and I just keep running out of time, so this morning while I drink a cup of my favorite coffee, I decided to start this blog entry. So…