Looking for Testers
I am working this summer to add Siri Intents and Siri Shortcuts to Wasted Time this summer. To that end, I am looking for people who are running any version of the iOS 12 beta, who would like to be added to a TestFlight for testing out the new features. Right now I have updated…
Adding Siri Intents to Wasted Time
As we finished packing up the warehouse this weekend for the upcoming – unplanned move of my non-profit, my thought turned to how I can upgrade Wasted Time for this summer. Obviously, the key item to add to the app is support for Siri Shortcuts. While I could do this via NSUserActivities, I thought that…
WWDC Day 5 – It’s a Wrap!
Thank you to Apple for doing a developer conference that kept almost everyone to the end. I am used to go to large enterprise conferences, and usually by day 3 or 4 the crowds really thin out. Today was day 5, and the lunch session today was PACKED! The room held 3,000 people, and the…
WWDC Day 4 – All About Debugging
I spent yesterday in sessions all day looking at Xcode, LLVM, and LLDB and it was amazing. I had plans to go to the Panic at the Disco party and beer bash (even got my above wrist band to confirm I could have a beer), but decided it would be more productive looking at Xcode…
WWDC and Relay.FM Day 3
I love podcasts, and have way too many that I listening to. I’m going thru them lately to re-prioritize those that I listen to. I realize that I’m getting stale with some of the ones I listen to, mostly the TWIT ones, MacBreak, TWIT and IOS today have gotten to the point where they’ve gone…