Discover String Catalogs
Localization is created with String Catalogs, OS supports 40 languages today You used to have to maintain Strings and StringDict in your project. In Xcode 15 you will have String catalogs to simplify the process Will update my own app to this quickly. Complex editing is enabled to make it easier to convert strings, including…
Develop your first Immersive App
This session will probably require tools not yet available… will have to come back to it once the SDK and simulator becomes available Create an Xcode project Simulator Xcode Previews Reality Composer Pro Create an immersive scene Taret gestures to entities
Design spatial SharePlay experiences
You can add in shared context with Spatial Persona’s so you can communicate effortlessly Set the Scene Start SharePlay Arrange participants Share context and UI Enter a Full Space
Design for spatial user interfaces
UI Foundations Layout From screen to spatial