Category: blog

Is monthly the new posting scheduled?

As people who follow me on various social feeds may know, I have way too many interests at times: swimming, singing, gaming, programming, technology, gadgets, just to name a few. On top of this, I have a day job that keeps me very busy, more do lately then usual. My weekly podcast over at […]

I made this

For years I’ve been trying to do some interesting things in 3D, but I found that my artistic skills are not always up to snuff. This week, however, I found a great tutorial on using Blender. If you are not familiar with Blender, it is an open source 3d modeling and animation tool that is […]

New year – new job

Well, I had planned on doing more posts this year, but as I have accepted a new job i am finding that I have even less time than before to post. During the day time, my job is now that of a product manager for IBM. This means I am working on new and exciting […]

Local startup scene

Full disclosure, I grabbed this screenshot from a game I am playing lately – Hipster CEO. I don’t believe they are local, but the game has some great lessons to budding developers in the area. First off, the game is hard. You start as a bootstrapped single person company. Like most developers I can relate […]

One week with the iPad Air

I received my iPad Air this past Monday, and as promised, here is a little review. I’ve had every generation of the iPad up to the 3rd Generation. When the 4th Generation came out, I could not justify the speed bump ad the only benefit. Nor could I justify the mini, since it was not […]

The iPad Air

Apple made a few announcements this week… And like many I had been hoping that the fingerprint reader would be added to the iPad … Like others, I was hoping that Apple would announce a Retina version of the iPad mini.  So I guess I should be 50% happy. Realistically, I think the fingerprint reader […]