Completed two major classes

I like learning. It’s that simple. I like to take classes, learn new things, read about new things, and play with new things. It’s one of the reasons I think I like being in technology, there are always new things to learn.

Early last year I decided to start the class 100 Day of Swift from the website HackingWithSwift. Paul Hudson – AKA TwoStraws, does a fantastic job of providing daily lessons for 100 Days, along with challenges and exams, to help you get a good understanding about Swift in general.

While the class was fun, I really wanted to improve my skills in SwiftUI, so I took a break and then begin the class 100 Days of SwiftUI. Of course, you don’t need to take the first class, as this one does a great job of getting you familiar with many of the same Swift concepts.

I finally completed the 100 Days of SwiftUI early this year. Mainly because I had too many day job interruptions, and personal issues come up while taking the class.

I do feel that I have a much better understanding of Swift now, but there is still so much to learn. If I were able to spend 1-2 hours a day on iOS and Swift, I would be in a much better place with the language, but as I don’t use this in my day to day work, I just get to dabble with it when I have time, I will have to continue to move along at a slower pace than I’d like.