Data Persistence Across Platforms

We are currently looking at Android for a version of WastedTime…Today when you purchase the iPhone app, you get a fully functioning iPad app two, not some cheap pixel doubling app.  Given this, you may find yourself, like I do, having to chose between the iPhone and the iPad version for all your meetings during a week.  This is because the current version of WastedTime stores it’s persistent data in the iOS’s NSUserDefaults.  Meaning that it is not shared across devices.  

Do you think that it would make more sense to have a data store in the cloud which would automatically sync up when you start the app?  We do want to add a mashup of wasted time around the globe, but did not want to store any specific data.  If we have data persistence across devices, you could show total global wasted time within the app itself.  What do you think of this idea?