Author: Michael Rowe

Continuing to explore CoreData

A few weeks back I was at MacWorld where I talked to the people at APRESS to see what books they may have on CoreData. They had one that seemed to be pretty good and I have picked it up. The book is called Pro Core Data for iOS: Data Access and Persistence Engine for […]

ReKoMe! A Tag Your Photos Automatically

One of the booths I didn’t get to see at MacWorld/iWorld is the app ReKoMe. I was watching the videos that Chuck Joiner did over at MacVoices, and realized I should have made time to see them. I decided that I would download the Beta and test it out today. Overall this is a pretty […]

Impressions of MacWorld 2014

As you’ve seen on my last few posts, I haver gotten back from my yearly geek week vacation at MacWorld. It was great to hang out with friends, talk tech, drink a few beers, and see what new gadgets are coming out. Overall, I enjoyed myself this year, but the sessions have become less content […]

Day Three at MacWorld/iWorld 2014

And so it all ends so quickly – Thank you MacWorld for another great week of geeking out! Let’s quickly go thru the sessions I saw thru and then talk about the cool Apps and App Developers I got to talk to this week. I got to attend three sessions. The first was by Chuck […]

Day two of MacWorld/iWorld 2014

Wow.. what a busy day, and yes, I picked up a toy today. The Bass Egg was a kickstarted last year, and after hearing it today and doing a few tests (like placing it on my head), I was amazed and had to buy it. I am listening to a podcast on it right now, […]

Day one of MacWorld/iWorld Expo 2014

Today was day one of the formal part of MacWorld/iWorld. Yesterday was a day of all day sessions, and a day of the MacIT conference, which runs in parallel to the show. I’ve been tweeting out a bit today on my personal twitter account – @michaelrowe01. The great thing about today was that I did […]

Is monthly the new posting scheduled?

As people who follow me on various social feeds may know, I have way too many interests at times: swimming, singing, gaming, programming, technology, gadgets, just to name a few. On top of this, I have a day job that keeps me very busy, more do lately then usual. My weekly podcast over at […]

I made this

For years I’ve been trying to do some interesting things in 3D, but I found that my artistic skills are not always up to snuff. This week, however, I found a great tutorial on using Blender. If you are not familiar with Blender, it is an open source 3d modeling and animation tool that is […]