Author: Michael Rowe

Minor Bugfix Update

I have just uploaded a new version of WastedTime to the iOS AppStore.  It should be posted by Apple in a few days.  I realized that my choice of hot keys for the iPad Pro edition didn’t work with all external keyboards.  So I had to change the keyboard short cuts.   Would love to […]

Recovery and Scars

   In the past Scars were considered a badge of honor. People got most scars in battles, fights, and while pursuing survival (hunting, farming, building shelter, etc.).  My I scar has been generated due to a surgery to improve the use of my hand.  I have two scare, one is small and will disappear into […]

Comments and Spam

One thing I have done for my blogs is automatically turn off comments after a short period of time.  This may cut down interaction a lot, but I feel that it is necessary.  Let me explain why. Years ago I had a podcast called DogearNation.  We based this podcast on the very popular DiggNation podcast… […]

Deal with post-surgical blues

Two weeks ago, I had surgery for a combined Carpel Tunnel and Cupital Tunnel injury.  This is pretty much an occupational hazard in our industry.  The Carpel Tunnel surgery addresses the nerve that runs under your wrist, into the palm of your hand and controls three of your digits – the Thumb, pointer, and middle […]

Rabbits and Dice

This past weekend, I went to the Durham Public Library for an event called – Dice & Decisions: Role Playing Game Demonstration.  The organizers have been hosting a series of events about gaming with a local game development called BullyPulpitGames. Our host for the day as Jason Morningstar – one of the owners of the […]

Site rebranding complete

I’ve been trying to rebrand the site to a personal blog, since that is what it has become, since midsummer… But between day job activities, travel and technical difficulties, that just didn’t want to happen… So now it is complete. I will be moving over my iPhone Development blog over here too, soon. Thinking about […]