Author: Michael Rowe

Time keeps on slippin, splippin, slippin

I’ve been amazed by all the posts and stories from people having time to do all the things they have been putting off. They are taking the “extra” time made available during our current lockdowns, and learning new skills, playing old games, and basically just relaxing. Unfortunately, I’ve not had that ability. On March 12th, […]

Cracking the Code

Today’s been very productive so far: I’ve been able to fix a few UI issues that have really bugged me in my Mac version of WastedTime. I’ve uploaded version 9.0 of WastedTime for iOS to the App Store – the total rewrite of Wasted Time using SwiftUI and Combine I’ve built both a Mac Native […]

Year End Thoughts

Finally taking some time off and getting time to reflect on the year/decade in technology. Einstein’s idea of relative time is very appropriate for thinking about the last decade. Every year that I am on this planet, the time between years seems to run quicker and quicker. It’s been an amazing decade for technology: We’ve […]