Year End Thoughts

Finally taking some time off and getting time to reflect on the year/decade in technology. Einstein’s idea of relative time is very appropriate for thinking about the last decade. Every year that I am on this planet, the time between years seems to run quicker and quicker.

It’s been an amazing decade for technology: We’ve scene the launch of AR and VR in a meaningful way – remember Google Glass and the original Oculus Rift? Well now we have HoloLens and Oculus Quest, and we are seeing meaningful usage in maintenance within the enterprise. We’ve seen Apple shift from Objective-C to Swift, and expansion to new ways to manage the explosion of screens (who has played with SwiftUI?).

We’ve gone from a web-based / desktop world, to a app based / mobile world. Personally, I spend more time on my iPad for reading, writing, and some content creation then I do on my MacBook Pro.

The Internet of Things has gone from hype to the trough of disillusionment. This is actually great news, as this means that it is common enough that we will now start building out those solutions that are meaningful.

Electric vehicles have gone from rare to the Tesla 3 being the best selling car in the world. The number of these that I see in the lot at the office, seems to reinforce this.

On the negative side, all this connectivity and innovation has driven an explosion of ransomware with cities, hospitals, and other government. Security and privacy continue to be under attack, as most people still do not understand how much information they leak online.

And finally, we still don’t have cheap and affordable flying cars! Well maybe this coming decade!