It’s been a lot of fun updating Greeting Keeper, and I really appreciate the help I am getting from all my testers. This coming release will have a new “one time” getting started view. Should make it easier for new users to understand the application as a whole. You can see a demo of it here.
The other BIG change is a total rewrite of the PDF generator. While I am guessing very few people use this feature, it is a great way to get a backup of your data.
You can generate a listing of:
- all the specific cards you’ve sent by “Occasion”
- all the “Occasion” cards (including how many you’ve sent of a specific card – great for re-ordering your favorite “Thank You” card),
- listing of all the cards you’ve sent to a specific “Recipient”

Additionally, I used my new Quick Localizer to update the app for over 10 languages! Can’t wait to see what everyone thinks about this.