MacWorld Expo 2015

By now, any reader of this blog already knows that IDC has cancelled MacWorld Expo.   While they didn’t say “cancelled,” they did put it on hiatus.  As someone who has gone to many different “user” focused conferences over the years, this means cancelle.  At least in any form we may recognize.  We may see a new “Mac Expo” come in to being, but I don’t think that we will ever see same type of conference.  I look back fondly at the friends I’ve made, the sessions I got to sit thru, and all the cool tech that I got to review.

Over the years, I have been trying to get time to go to WWDC, but my day job held a conference every year at the same time.  The good news, at least for me, is that my day job is combining multiple large conferences into one mega-conference.  The date for the new mega-conference is now in Febuary, and I have a chance to try and attend WWDC.

Given Apple’s registration process this is going to be tough, but at least  there’s a chancce.  So I think it’s time to go ahead and book my hotel room.