I now know the way to San Jose

Ok, I am sure many people use this same joke… but When I got here, I realized the last time I was in San Jose was 2008 for a Virtual Worlds Conference. It’s amazing how memories cause you to think things look one way, and they don’t really look that way. I guess that is why there are so many problems with eye witnesses. But that’s one why I am here…

Yup.. I am here for WWCD 2018! I have picked up my badge, and Jeans Jacket. A nice, stylish black jeans material..that I can’t wait to wear in about 10 more pounds. Looking at the world of Developers I really don’t understand how companies get away with all the skinny sizes. I would wear it, but I can’t button it up… maybe soon.

I’ve already had a great talk with one of the developers of game, he’s made it to WWDC 6 years running. I wonder if once you go if your more likely to make it thru the lottery. I hope so…

I had to get up really really early to catch my flight to San Jose. So I am sure I will easily stay on East Coast time and get in line early tomorrow to get a great seat for the keynote. Wish me luck!!
