Spotlight lets you do any search, and now short cuts will show up next to your app in the search window
- Focus on essentials, habitual actions in your app.
- Don’t be compelled to have a lot of shortcuts
- Design them to be predictable and personal
- Also personalize them based on decisions your users do – like pinned values in your app, should be pinned in the shortcuts
- Every shortcut is either an action or entity (verb or noun)
- All actions are an SF Symbol in the the search, you entities should an icon shape
- Be brief on the titles, yet understood
- Think beyond just the shape, include other visual clues
- Color -you can decide to add a solid or gradient to add as complementing color, or use a secondary tint color
- Behavior – App Launch, Live Activity, or Snippet – launch is usually the right action. Design Dynamic Live Activities WWDC23 is a good session
- If you do a snippet you may want to present it and then go into your app
- To make your app short cut discoverable – add synonyms of your shortcut phrase, provide a handful of these.