Accessibility is key for Apple. I agree with this philosophy, having even written an article years ago for the magazine called “Enabled” on how OS/2 was made accessible. I loved that the magazine was called “Enabled” instead of “Disabled” as it sent a message to the reader that they were not less than. Accessibility Enhancements […]
Author: Michael Rowe
Bring Widgets to Life
You can now create interactions with widgets. You can have animation in widgets to show how content has changed. Animations Interactivity
Beyond scroll views
Improvements to scroll views in SwiftUI – this allows for expanding beyond the screen port. You can define which axis it will scroll – horizontal or vertical. It will resolve safe area to show information within its content offset. Margins and safe area Target and Positions Scroll Transitions
Meet SwiftUI for Spatial Computing
This is a high-level review of SwiftUI’s extensions for xrOS All of xrOS was built in SwiftUI Buttons can provide audio feedback when pressed. With Spatial computing we have to use Scenes, see the three types defined in other sessions – Window, Volume, and Full Space. Breaking down the structure of a windows Interactions Hover […]
Meet MapKit for SwiftUI
Expanded swiftUI API Use MapKit to your app, This is a code along class. Adding a marker to a Map, is like adding a view to al list. Markers are used to display content on a map. Annotation allows your to provide a view at a specific location Using the content builder closure […]
Get Started with building apps for spatial computing
Fundamentals Where to Start How to build
Expand on Swift Macros
Why Macros Design Philosophy Translation Model Macro Roles Macro Implementation Writing correct macros
What’s New in App Clips
These are light versions of your app, allows users to try your app without installing There are three New size limit Default app Clip links Invoke From your App
Generalize APIs with parameter packs
This is an advance topic and builds on last year’s “Embrace Swift Generics” it is highly recommended that you review this before watching this session. What parameter packs solve How to read parameter packs Using parameter packs
Discover String Catalogs
Localization is created with String Catalogs, OS supports 40 languages today You used to have to maintain Strings and StringDict in your project. In Xcode 15 you will have String catalogs to simplify the process Will update my own app to this quickly. Complex editing is enabled to make it easier to convert strings, including […]