Author: Michael Rowe

Data Persistence Across Platforms

We are currently looking at Android for a version of WastedTime…Today when you purchase the iPhone app, you get a fully functioning iPad app two, not some cheap pixel doubling app.  Given this, you may find yourself, like I do, having to chose between the iPhone and the iPad version for all your meetings during […]

Clocks and Calendars

Ok, two graphics so far… Not really happy with the calendar, but really like the clock.. thoughts?? comments???   These are early drafts… and the days of the week on the calendar are not consistent.. (learning new tricks in Photoshop – may need to get a book 🙂 ).

Ideas for graphics

In the last post, we indicated we were working on improving the graphics for Wasted Time.  Here are a couple of suggestions we are working with… Feedback is appreciated: 1) For the toggle on hourly verses salary rates A) Hourly would be represented by a clock.  B) Salary would be represented by a calendar 2) […]

What’s going on in 1.2?

So, we continued to have slow and steady sales so far.  It’s pretty cool to see where our next sale is coming in from each day.  In the mean time, we are working on more improvements to create version 1.2.  These include:   Disallowing the paste feature – some of our users have been playing […]

Wasted Time v1.0

Well, we realized we created the category and then put all our news on the main news feed.  So here it is, we officially went live with Wasted Time 1.0 on July 12th.  It has been an exciting week, and we submitted our first update to Wasted Time to Apple on July 17th.  It hasn’t made it […]

Welcome to ApApp

We are a brand new group with the goal of providing really cool, fun, and new iPhone and iPad apps. We have a pipeline planned of apps, each more ambitious than the prior one. Our first app is about to be released to Apple to get on the App Store, if we can figure out […]