On thursday night, a group of 26 developers got together at the offices of TekSystems in Raleigh to talk about iOS development. This meetup group is sponsored by both TekSystems and Two Toasters (From Durham, NC). For those who are looking for work as an iOS or Android developer, TwoToasters indicated that they are currently […]
Author: Michael Rowe
Triangle DevOps meetup
I’ve been going to more and more meetup’s lately. Seemingly at least one a week. The latest one was the Triangle DevOps Meetup. What an interesting session. We were at the offices of Teradata, and Felix, the presenter, works at Teradata. He took the time to walk us thru setting up our own OpenStack cloud. […]
WordPress on iPad
Well, as happens, the day job is consuming more and more time. Luckily the latest update to the WordPress for iPad app addresses many of the problems I’ve had recently. So I am able to write up a quick Huzzah! while getting ready for dinner. I know work is getting busy when I don’t have […]
Apps are a live and well
The local Meetup scene continues to amaze me. Last night I went to a Meetup called The Mobile App Success Group. Xan, the founder of this Meetup Group, has been successful in developing Websites for some time, and brings ideas around marketing your App, getting development and design resources, and other tips and tricks for […]
Favorite App This Week
I’ve been trying to get more hours in the day… Let’s just say, that I am not traveling at the speed of light yet, so time has not slowed down. Actually I think it is speeding up, which must mean that I am getting closer to the speed of dark! I wanted to drop a […]
Triangle CocoaHeads Meetup
Last Night I had the chance to catch my first meetup of the Triangle Cocoaheads. What a great meetup, and I certainly plan on attending this more often. Our hosts over at Two Toasters, a local App development company, had a nice downtown office fully supplied with Pizza and drinks. The room held probably 25 […]
Appcelerator’s Quarterly Survey Results show iOS dominant in the Enterprise
For all the talk about how Apple is not enterprise friendly, I was surprised to find the news that more than 50% of enterprise app developers want to target iOS in the quarterly survey that Appcelerator runs. This shift from Android to iOS continues to reflect, in my opinion, the challenges of targeting Android’s plethora […]
Open Development vs. Open Source
Sitting in my favorite coffee shop this morning (BeanTraders), while working on the edit for one of my other podcasts (GamesAtWork.Biz) I got to thinking about Open Source vs. Open Development (btw, open development doesn’t have a dedicated wikipedia page, so I guess it means too many different things to too many different people). A […]
Coding makes you happy
I’ve been in the “IT Industry” for longer than many of my developer friends have been alive. I started programming in high school, but had the opportunity in elementary school to play on an IBM Mini Computer at Riverside College in California, oh yeah, it used punch cards!!! I find that while working thru a […]
Last Night’s TechCrunch Mini-Meetup
Wow, even with the threat of storms and the last minute change of venue, there were at least 300-400 people who attended the meet up. It was great to meet a bunch of new startups working on Mobile Device Apps, and also some who were working on the interaction between work and play. The other […]