One of the things that I like to do is to read books on programming. I guess given my day job and other activities, I don’t get enough time in the day to write code as much as I’d like. (I can’t just jump in and out of code, like I can in a book.) […]
Author: Michael Rowe
Mobile – A New Era of Computing – How has it turned out for you?
As part of my day job, I read a lot of Analyst reports and they all seem to be talking about Mobile being the new Era of Computing. I’ve been trying to understand what that really means. Yes, I can recognize that we’ve had shifts between the centralized days of Main Frames, to the Client-Server […]
Final Day – Future visions
It is always amazing to me how fast this week goes. Saturday came and went, and I am flying home today. I went to two sessions and then spent the rest of the day on the show floor, deciding to skip my last planned session. This ultimately was the right decision, as I got time […]
Traders vs Trinars – Intro
Welcome to “Trinars Vs. Traders”, the space-based turn-based strategy game where you try to take over the entire solar system. After a bloody civil war that engulfed the entire solar system an uneasy peace has begun. It is now up to you to decide how this peace will progress. But it won’t be easy, […]
Game Blog
Decided to create a separate section to the blog which will hold all future updates on Traders vs. Trinars. Just a quick notice on where we stand on the game. After our successful game test last year, the coding began. We quickly made some incredible progress, and leveraged the game art from the game test. […]
Day three – MacWorld/iWorld – It’s all about the podcasters
Well today started with a blast! Fred Armisen from SNL and Portlandio! He was interviewed by Chris Breen, who was probably geeking out as much as I was. I had the perfect question ready for Q&A, but they ran out of time. Here it goes, for those of you who know a bit about Fred, […]
Day Two – A day of Entertainment and Innovation
Wow! Today was pretty cool … and I am pretty exhausted. It started off with an interview of the stars of the upcoming Jobs movie – Ashton Kutcher and Josh Gad. They did a great job of addressing the recent controversy based on Woz’s comments. The next section was a quick review of Mountain Lion […]
Beginning iOS class at MacWorld/iWorld
This year’s class was taught by the students and teachers from Canberra Grammar School’s Code Cadets. This is based on their 10 year class at the school where the actually teach their students how to develop a class. The structure of the class teaches not only the basics of iOS, but also a structure of […]