Author: Michael Rowe

Squashed crashes

Wooohoooo.. some times when struggling with a programming bug, you just need to step away for a while.  Then, when you come back, re-read the error messages from the crash – hopefully a light will come on in the brain.  This morning, while editing this week’s episode of the GamesAtWork.Biz podcast, did a little work on […]

Privacy and Personalization

The other morning I was sitting at my favorite coffee shop, having a discussion with one of my morning friends, on the kind of data your phone collects on you. As we talked thru my traditional soapbox of why I choose iOS over Android, they mentioned the experience of having an ad pop up in […]

First Public Demo

Had my first public demo of my Alpha level app last night. And I now have a timeframe. I will strive to make the app finished and done by Late October. The app is a simple idea, but I keep learning more and more things to make it valuable. I am creating a App that […]

Making Progress

As of last night, the new Alpha code, allows the users to create new records, and new related records, without crashing!! Now that’s progress. Next I need to create the delete function on the main screen, and add in the correct displaying of created related records. This requires a new screen to display the chosen […]

Debugging Core Data

One of the reasons I’ve toyed with the new app for so long (the idea is about 5 years old), has been that I am struggling to learn Core Data. Not only that, but I’ve been dealing with a ton of day job activities, etc. So I am finally getting this app started. The basic […]

A new alpha

Refactoring an app and a database at the same time, can lead to some interesting bugs. So today, I restructured my app. The good news is that the flow is more in line where I think I want it. THe bad news is, while I have enabled swipe to delete, it crashes the Alpha (after […]

Rehearsal And Programming

I am currently rehearsing for my favorite Light Opera – Ruddigore by Gilbert & Sullivan. Rehearsing is a lot of hard work. You have to learn the “rules” (blocking, lyrics, dancing, notes, and dialog). You have to practice these rules over and over until you can do them without thinking. And then magic happens, and […]