After a brief testing period, I have submitted a new version of Wasted Time today to the Apple App Store. This version completely removes Facebook Integration. I have done so, after looking at the data that Facebook provided in the brief period that version 7.1.1 was in the store. I have decided not to feed […]
Author: Michael Rowe
Understanding Mental Models
I had a great discussion with my co-host on GamesAtWork.Biz Michael Martine the other day over lunch, on why I am going to turn off Facebook. While I have been pretty vocal over the years with friends and acquaintances on why I won’t use Android (you are the product), I have always rationalized using Facebook […]
Another reason to Disconnect FB
So as part of my disconnecting facebook process, I did a full dump of the data that they have on me. I must say that FB has made this a lot easier. The part that is crazy, however, is in the dump they show all the companies that have my information based on their add […]
Disconnecting FB – impact on Development
So, as I am working on disconnecting my FB account, one of the things that I will have to do is remove FB integration from one of my apps. This requires a new release of WastedTime – to be released soon. I will also have to get my Podcast and other integrations to be either […]
Squashed crashes
Wooohoooo.. some times when struggling with a programming bug, you just need to step away for a while. Then, when you come back, re-read the error messages from the crash – hopefully a light will come on in the brain. This morning, while editing this week’s episode of the GamesAtWork.Biz podcast, did a little work on […]
Privacy and Personalization
The other morning I was sitting at my favorite coffee shop, having a discussion with one of my morning friends, on the kind of data your phone collects on you. As we talked thru my traditional soapbox of why I choose iOS over Android, they mentioned the experience of having an ad pop up in […]
One Crash Down – Two To Go
Well, I finally figured out what is going on with one of my crashes.. and can now allow people to delete Recipients with no cards sent. Years ago a friend told me a story about someone interviewing for a job as a database programmer. The interviewer asked them how they would handle a programming request […]
First Public Demo
Had my first public demo of my Alpha level app last night. And I now have a timeframe. I will strive to make the app finished and done by Late October. The app is a simple idea, but I keep learning more and more things to make it valuable. I am creating a App that […]
Making Progress
As of last night, the new Alpha code, allows the users to create new records, and new related records, without crashing!! Now that’s progress. Next I need to create the delete function on the main screen, and add in the correct displaying of created related records. This requires a new screen to display the chosen […]
Debugging Core Data
One of the reasons I’ve toyed with the new app for so long (the idea is about 5 years old), has been that I am struggling to learn Core Data. Not only that, but I’ve been dealing with a ton of day job activities, etc. So I am finally getting this app started. The basic […]