Author: Michael Rowe

Getting back to Wasted Time

I’ve finally gotten back to Wasted Time app for the Mac. Having figured out much of the issues with packaging for including the Mac version as part of a bundle. Now if you’ve paid the $0.00 for your copy of Wasted Time on iOS or tvOS, you will have a copy of Wasted Time for […]

WWDC 2021 Day 1

I never learn. Each year I love the start of WWDC: The excitement of what is new, the demos of how Apple sees features working, and the inevitable download of new tools, apps, and operating systems. And this year, like WWDC19, something goes wrong. I picked up the new iPad Pro 11inch (with the M1), […]

WastedTime Watch – Progress

Ok, I had basically gotten frustrated trying to change WastedTime Watch to a fully SwiftUI based app. Apple changed the App Entry point which had completely changed how the AppDelegate function worked. I thought this app was the simplest of my apps, so I could easily convert it to the new Swift Architecture. Boy was […]