I’m really excited to announce I will presenting at the upcoming IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management User Group Virtual Conference. During the session will be taking customers and partners thru the OSLC based API discovery process, including creating the ETM Test Plan. I will be taking questions and showing demos, so sign up! See you then!
Author: Michael Rowe
Day 2 – 100 Days of Swift
Wow! I’ve been using swift for a bunch of years, and have never come across enum associations. Imaging getting to that on day two of a course. What you see above is the association added to the running, talking and singing values of the enum Activity. This way you can “associate” additional information to a […]
Today I am going to try and start the 100 days of swift program that Paul Hudson provides. I’ve been using Swift for years, and taken a ton of individual classes, read books, and even published a few apps on the App Store. However, I find I still find some things just don’t work like […]
Generating a Test Plan via API Discovery
In my prior posts I took you through the discovery flow to identify the resource shape of creating a new Project Area. The only problem was, there is no public API for creating a Project Area, either via OSLC or published ELM APIs. To that end, you may have been a bit frustrated that all […]
Heading Down to the wire
Well, I thought I had the last major bug figured out, but it was still there. So back to the drawing board. This is a bit of an insidious problem since it causes unexpected changes to the data. In order to keep from corrupting my testers data, I have not released any of my interim […]
Fixing a major bug in beta software
I’ve been working on my card tracking app for some time. I have been using it for approximately 4 years to track my own holiday cards, so there’s tons of data stored in my alpha and beta version. Today I finally figured out the last major bug, before I look to posting it to the […]
Debugging Camera Issues
I’ve been using my Card Tracking App in ernest lately, and have come a cross a strange bug. When I am taking a picture with the camera of a card from within the app, saving the card event occurs, but the image is not saved, while sometimes the whole save fails. This seems to have […]
A Beatles’ Retrospective
I’ve been taking some much needed time off, having not been able to take some of my corporate vacation last year. During this time, I am watching the Beatle’s Get Back documentary directed by Peter Jackson. I’ve always liked their music, and have enjoyed watching the back room machinations of their time in 1969. I […]
Getting a resource shape
Now that we have a basic understanding of the RootServices document, and how to access protected APIs. Let’s go thru the process of discovery, in order to identify what is needed for OSLC APIs. I’ll be covering the basics behind the OSLC Resource Shape. Understanding resource shapes is key for identifying what properties are required […]
API Authentication Method in ELM – OIDC
In my last post I took you thru the OAuth 1.0a API flow. While there are three APIs defined in the RootServices document which enable you to execute the flow, it is still a lot of work to ultimately get your OAuth 1.0a Token for usage. This token is only valid for a short period […]