MoogFest day 2 – amazing stories and music

While some of the sessions I had signed up for had disappeared, I was able to hit a few really great sessions. The first was Madame Gandhi (not her real name but the name of her music project). She shared a lot of her musical influences and then showed how she builds up a song, and ultimately then infuses her political speeches into them. Her energy and passion were highly infective. And her music rocked. I picked up her EP voices and it became my jam for walking around.

I then got a chance to see the team of librarians from North Carolina State University, that manage their maker space. I tried to convert my GamesAtWork.BIZ logo to a key chain design. Using a device I printed a dog tag, but it didn’t turn out very good.

It ended up looking like a twisted map of Alaska!

And finally heard a discussion from a musician named Richard Devine, and his music had a lot of Depeche Mode – Remix sounds in it. The “talk” was a 45 minute jam session.. very cool

The rest of the day was listening to artists, and the most amazing was Armin Ra.. who played the theremin.. Pretty amazing stuff!