Getting Ready for WWDC

The trip yesterday was long but uneventful, unless you count the 1/3 of the continental United States that had turbulence enough to stop all cabin service, and keep EVERYONE in their seats for about 90 minutes. However, the view was amazing:

Got to San Jose this morning

After a late night arrival, grabbing a car, getting to the hotel, and getting some sleep. I woke up early (not intentionally), rolled over, and woke back up fully (still early), and decided to head in and grab a breakfast before getting in line to get my badge, etc.

Well, by the time I drove around and around to find a place to park for less than $25, I ended up just heading to the line, which was surprisingly shorter than I expected; however that didn’t last long.

The right lane is scholarship students

After a few hours waiting, and talked to a developer from Kroger and another indie developer from the UK, the line started to move. I, of course, had to get my bag “randomly” searched. I did make it into the first group into the door, where I got a nice surprise.

After getting my stuff, I did get back to my hotel and got ready to head over to watch a recording of the TWiT podcast.

The podcast was a load of fun, and even got to plug my podcast <a href=””>Games at Work dot Biz</A> with Leo.

What am I looking forward to?

Well when I picked up my new iPad Pro last year, it became clear to me that the horse power and form factor where making it good enough to be a development machine. My dream would that Tim announces xCode for the iPad, along with major functionality for Marzipan. I can’t wait for the keynote tomorrow!