Tag: WastedTime Watch!

  • Wasted Time Updates!

    This past weekend I released updates to both WastedTime and WastedTime Watch. For WastedTime it was a minor bug fix, you can no longer end a meeting before it starts. Who would have thought of that one?! For WastedTime Watch, this was the total re-write I was working on. It is now much more colorful…

  • WastedTime Watch – Progress

    Ok, I had basically gotten frustrated trying to change WastedTime Watch to a fully SwiftUI based app. Apple changed the App Entry point which had completely changed how the AppDelegate function worked. I thought this app was the simplest of my apps, so I could easily convert it to the new Swift Architecture. Boy was…

  • WastedTime Watch!

    WOW! I excited to announced that Wasted Time for the Apple Watch is now available. While there is one bug I need to squash, I would love it people would down load it. The bug is that the cost information is not being saved, but if you don’t kill the app you will be OK.…