This summer has been a ton of fun learning how to address SiriKit in WastedTime. The last piece I have been working on is changing the UI to leverage Reactive Swift – AKA RxSwift. This will (hopefully) allow you to start a meeting on your HomePod and then open the app on your iPhone or […]
Tag: Siri
Holiday Card App and other progress
So, I finally have had a few things slow down enough so I could do some more coding. I am working on two projects at once. The first is adding Siri support to Wasted Time v8.0 – this has been really fun, as I am learning about Siri Intents, changing the app to run without […]
Adding Siri Intents to Wasted Time
As we finished packing up the warehouse this weekend for the upcoming – unplanned move of my non-profit, my thought turned to how I can upgrade Wasted Time for this summer. Obviously, the key item to add to the app is support for Siri Shortcuts. While I could do this via NSUserActivities, I thought that […]
WWDC and Relay.FM Day 3
I love podcasts, and have way too many that I listening to. I’m going thru them lately to re-prioritize those that I listen to. I realize that I’m getting stale with some of the ones I listen to, mostly the TWIT ones, MacBreak, TWIT and IOS today have gotten to the point where they’ve gone […]
WWDC Day Two
The best advice I was given by people who have been at WWDC before was to focus on getting time with the engineers. All the sessions are streamed as videos, and you can spend time later to watch the ones you missed. This is excellent advice! I stared the day yesterday with getting with the […]