Tag: ARKit

  • Evolve your ARKit app for spatial experiences

    Prepare your experience  Use RealityView Bring in your content Recasting ARKit updates

  • WWDC 2022 – Day Four – The nitty gritty

    Yesterday was a really productive day. As always, there was too much content to get to it all, but I learned a ton of new things that I want to go back and learn more about over the summer.  There were multiple sessions that have led me to rethink some of my existing code in…

  • Conversation is not enough

    Conversation is not enough

    In the last post I talked about how conversations are a powerful way of interacting with a computer. A conversation must have context and memory in order to enable this power. Simple commands and individual queries are good, but not sufficient to enable the UX of the future. Now let’s look at augmented reality (AR).…

  • WWDC Day 4 – All About Debugging

    I spent yesterday in sessions all day looking at Xcode, LLVM, and LLDB and it was amazing. I had plans to go to the Panic at the Disco party and beer bash (even got my above wrist band to confirm I could have a beer), but decided it would be more productive looking at Xcode…