Upcoming activities

So, what have I been up to lately? Shortly after my last blog entry I got sick. Very sick. The kind of sick that you basically lay around for two or more weeks, and can’t even think straight enough to read. What a pain. The good news is, that’s over now. The other news is, I also perform light opera in my spare time, and have been cast in a local performance of Pirates of Penzance. Come see the show in march – http://www.durhamsavoyards.org . January is also the month that I go to what used to be called Macworld Expo. So I will probably be pretty quiet on the blog for a bit.

So this has given me time to start thinking about how to get more engagement on this site. This is tough, since I post an entry when I have something to say. I don’t post just to drive traffic… But I want to have a dialog with other developers locally. So the question that comes to my mind is, what do you think the largest challenge is to get your app the viability that it deserves?