Local IoT Demo coming up

As I mentioned in my last post, I am focusing on the Internet of Things in my day job. I am going to be at a local meetup at the end of the month, the RIoT meetup. I love the name, and this is their second event. Unfortunately I missed the first meetup, due to a conference I was at in Orlando. RIoT stand for the Raleigh Internet of Things Meetup.

At the upcoming meetup I have seven minutes to present an IoT topic. My goal is to demonstrate a IoT app (a very simple one at that) which connected my cell phone to the IBM Bluemix cloud service and a Raspberry Pi (which in my demo will represent a car). The app will allow my cell phone to lock and unlock my car door. While the code will be trivial, what will be cool, assuming I can pull it off, will be that the cell phone will be near instantaneous in unlocking my car. I will also do a dynamic (yet trivial) code change to the mobile application which will change the message that is sent when the lock status changes.

The idea is to show off composable services on the cloud, continuous delivery for an application, and integration to a non-traditional end point. Come join me at the Meetup and let’s talk tech!