Games at Work dot Biz

I am one of the Michael’s over at Games At Work dot Biz. Over the last month I’ve been working to get the site up and running and move our content from it’s old home at Dogear-nation. It certainly had been a learning experience, makes me appreciate all the hard work of the various co-hosts, who also did site maintenance, went thru to make it the site it ended up. Matt Simpson, Steven Harrison, and Andy Piper. I owe each of them a debt of gratitude for working thru a lot of the complexities of building the site, and giving me a great starting point when I built the new site. I also discovered how selfless they were on registering and buying some awesome plugins. I purchased many of the same ones for Games At Work dot Biz.

Go check it out and let me know what you think. I will be posting my first video over here this weekend.