The new photo picker, you don’t need request any permissions to use it. It is only a few lines of code to use this.
Embedded Picker
- The access model runs in a separate model outside of your app. Only what is selected is passed back to your app.
- You can use the new .photosPickerDisabledCapabilities modifier to turn off certain features of the picker
- You can disable various accessories to with .photosPickerAccessoryVisibility modifier
- You can even change the size of the picker
- You can use the new .photosPickerStyle(.inline) to make it more naturally a part of your app
- PhotosPicker(selectionBehavior: .continuous) allows your app to respond to each selection of an image.
- There’s a new privacy badge on the picker
- A detailed scission of which options can be disabled in the sessions including search, selection actions, and more
- The picker style include presentation, inline and compact style (a single row – scrolling horizontally)
- This API is available for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, along with SwiftUI, AppKit and UIKit – it was not listed for xrOS or VisionOS
Options Menu
- This is a new menu, which gives users control of what is shared with your app. They can select to remove metadata and location as example.
HDR and Cinematic
- The system may automatically transform assets to things like JPEF, but if you want to include HDR data
- you need so set .current encoding policy
- And use .image or .more for content type