Does the xBox Announcement Matter

Microsoft has finally made their next generation console announcement. You can watch a replay here. This got me thinking, does it matter? The basics are an improved processor, more cloud integration, improved Kinect, and better media center capabilities. As more and more people are become cord cutters, and more and more gaming is happening on hand held devices, it does seem that Microsoft is realizing it must pivot the value of the console, but is this enough?

To me, the cloud parts could be interesting, if they allowed me to seamlessly transition from playing my favorite MMO on my desktop and then shift onto the big screen in the living room without missing a beat. But other than that, it doesn’t hold much interest. The Kinect part; however, may be the game changer. Improved fidelity and speed in processing may bring us one step closer to the seamless interfaces of science fiction. Add strong Google Now / Siri like capabilities, and perhaps the new xBox One will be the one interface you need to run your house.