Day 2 – CES 2016

Sometimes the best laid plans….
This year, my goal was to spend 90%+ of my time on the show floor doing market research. I was then asked to help setup and give a quick demo, train a few people, and then be able to go back to my plan. Well, day one I got to spend a few hours on the top floor of the Sands Convention center talking to some cool companies:

FitBit blaze currently only has one light sensor for pulse it is a green sensor replaceable bands different it’s a square device and currently only they make replacement bands.

Tell Wellness is a isometric device that unifies exercise by making you press and hold the device at various levels in the areas of the suppression

Levl – Created a device that looks for acetone in your breath to figure out fat burning. They are currently in alpha with a slow launch and go to market activities in the second quarter. They are looking at GA and consumer approach in the summer. The device scores the amount of fat that is being burned in your body on a day today basis and then allows for you to change behavior in order to improve fat burning activities

Temp track is a patch that does continuous temperature monitoring for between 24 and hours in real-time temperature. It attaches underneath the arm use a Bluetooth to transmit the data.

Solos it’s a heads up display for biking integrated into set of glasses integrates with me different sensors that you could normally have on a bike for training. 

United technologies does custom ear scanning. They will be starting a kickstarter in a couple of months. Really cool tech for building highly custom fitted earbuds for musicians, podcasters, and industrial environments.

These were all on day 1. So I thought I would get much more time to look at the main floor, see the AR/VR demos, look at all the new cool automotive technology, etc. I ended up getting very little of this. Our CEO gave a keynote on Wednesday evening, and this morning we had do demos of the press. Before I could get out of the booth I had many customers I who wanted to see demos. (I am not complaining at all, it’s always great to talk with customers, get their feedback and insights, and learn). This meant it was after lunch when I finally was able to head to the main convention center.

I caught the shuttle bus and went into the north hall. This is where all the car companies show their new technology to the “public”. I did my usually quick run thru to decide where I wanted to spend time. By the time I finished this (about 20 minutes), I got a call and had to come back for more demos. I spent the rest of the day in our booth talking with customers and giving demos.

I will add a quick dump of pictures for things I saw but didn’t get to look at in detail: