Black Friday Sale

Wasted Time app logo!

While I have been developing apps for some time, I’ve not been very good at promotion and/or pricing. I am hoping to get more users so that I can get better feedback on my various apps. To that end, I have just scheduled a blowout sale of the following apps:

I have created the apps over time, and have tried to charge very little for them in the past. Wasted Time is $0.99, in all its variations. Greeting Tracker is my newest app, that I spent years fiddling around with, and it originally charged $3.99 for it, but dropped its price to $1.99 earlier this year.

For just a few days, Friday, Nov. 29th to Sunday, Dec. 1st, all of the above apps will be free.

I’d love to hear what you think of them, and if you have any suggestions for app improvements, or UX improvements, I would greatly appreciate it!