Twitter integration for Wasted Time
So, now that we got the persistance across sessions and meeting restart functions approved and on the app store, it’s time to really focus on Twitter integration. We are glad we hadn’t gotten to far before this time, since Twitter has officially shut down all apps that are using simple integrations. So now we have…
Latest Updates
We think we are only a couple of days away from submitting the next version to Apple for the App Store. Data storage and retrieval between running session is within sight. Trying to decide if we should wait for twitter integration or submit this version first.
Data Persistence Across Platforms
We are currently looking at Android for a version of WastedTime…Today when you purchase the iPhone app, you get a fully functioning iPad app two, not some cheap pixel doubling app. Given this, you may find yourself, like I do, having to chose between the iPhone and the iPad version for all your meetings during…
Improved Calendar – Don’t ya think?
So got a bit of feedback, and it seems that people agree with me, that the calendar was pretty bad… even lame may come to mind… So here’s an improvement (?) And just to complete the image.. here is it small (as it would show in the app… — And just for fun.. the clock…
Clocks and Calendars
Ok, two graphics so far… Not really happy with the calendar, but really like the clock.. thoughts?? comments??? These are early drafts… and the days of the week on the calendar are not consistent.. (learning new tricks in Photoshop – may need to get a book 🙂 ).