Twitter integration for Wasted Time

So, now that we got the persistance across sessions and meeting restart functions approved and on the app store, it’s time to really focus on Twitter integration.  We are glad we hadn’t gotten to far before this time, since Twitter has officially shut down all apps that are using simple integrations.  So now we have to focus on getting a much better understanding of how the OAuth features work for twitter.  In the mean time we want your feedback on how Twitter integration should work.  There are a few choices that come to mind:


1) Tweet when ever a meeting has reached quorum and when it is ended, as long as you have selected that you wish to tweet.  While this would be the simplest, it may not be prudent to tweet that you just wasted a ton of money by being in a meeting with your boss.

2) Only tweet when a meeting has completed.  

3) Only tweet when quorum is reached.

4) Ask at each major point, do you want to tweet about this event, i.e.  If you press quorum achieved, ask if you wish to tweet, or if your meetin ended, instead of asking “Was it worth it”, ask do you want to tweet, and if you answer yes, then ask was it worth it.  This would allow the tweet to say “We just spent $1billion and it was worth it :)”


What do you think?  Any suggestions?