Author: Michael Rowe

IBM Innovate and Mobile

As part of my Day Job, I work for IBM in the Rational Software Brand.  I do business strategy, this means I look at how Rational can develop and address new markets, as well as how we work across the rest of IBM.  In that role I focus on Mobile, DevOps, Cloud and SaaS.  I […]

Games at Work dot Biz

I am one of the Michael’s over at Games At Work dot Biz. Over the last month I’ve been working to get the site up and running and move our content from it’s old home at Dogear-nation. It certainly had been a learning experience, makes me appreciate all the hard work of the various co-hosts, […]

Reflections App and reviews

I want to thank Tim for introducing me to Reflections App. This mac app allows you to share your iPhone or iPad screen to your Mac, just like Apple’s AirPlay. The really nice feature; however, is that it also will record that session, including sounds from your iOS device. I am going to start using […]

Triangle TweetUp and local developers

I’ve been to the triangle TweetUp hosted by Bronto for three years running. It is a great time and place to catchup with twitter friends, learn about cool things going on, and drink some good local beers. This year it included a mini ignite section, where six people got up and did five minute lightning […]

IBM impact and mobile

As part of my day job, I work for IBM. Full disclosure, I work in the Rational software brand. As part of my job, I am focused on mobile development. To that end, I was able to go the IBM Impact in Las Vegas, Nevada this part week. It was amazing to see the number […]

Cross platform vs. Performance

I’ve been working with a small team to build a cross platform game leveraging the Cocos2D gaming engine on iOS. I chose this platform for a few reasons: 1) There is a really good book explaining the basics of game programming and the libraries. 2) There seems to be a good number of other people […]

Games on rails

The popularity of the unreal engine on iOS can be seen by the success of games like Infinity Blade and Batman Arkham City. These games are bringing the excitement of combat games to that little device in your pocket; however these games are primarily another example of games on rails. Guiding your players thru a […]

Are you Retina Ready?

Now that the new iPad has been around for over a month (has it really been that long?), have you started updating your apps to be retina ready for the iPad? What are your best tips for doing so? Are you just re-rendering all your graphics?

Are Certificates worth the hassle?

Back when I first started programming there were only three environments you could program for A) Main Frames, B) Mini computers, and C) Personal computers. Given that A & B where tightly controlled by people in suites and ties, and no respectable business used C for anything that could impact their business, there was no […]

Local Gaming Accelerator

Joystick Labs is a local group that helps local game developers get started. They focus exclusively on helping launch the next gen of video game companies. Yeas ago I had the pleasure of meeting one of the co-founders – Juan Benito at one of the Triangle Game Initiative events. His passion for the industry and […]