Author: Michael Rowe

Experiences with Constraints and Storyboards

Well, it was a challenge, but I got it done. This past weekend I spent most of the time refactoring my personal app to using iOS 6.1’s autolayout capabilities. While I started off pulling out my hair, I ended the weekend with screens that looked pretty good, and that correctly handled almost everything I could […]

iOS Storyboards, AutoLayout, and Constraints

I’ve been in the process of refactoring my app – Wasted Time in order to add native Facebook integration and a new ToDo feature. As part of this refactoring, I am changing from a simple UITabBarController to a UINavagationController based root control. This change will allow me to have the ToDoViewController be able to be […]

Does the xBox Announcement Matter

Microsoft has finally made their next generation console announcement. You can watch a replay here. This got me thinking, does it matter? The basics are an improved processor, more cloud integration, improved Kinect, and better media center capabilities. As more and more people are become cord cutters, and more and more gaming is happening on […]

Google Developer’s Conference

*** It seems that this post didn’t go up when I thought it would..not sure what happened (I am sure it is a users/poster error). I was lucky enough to have a very long drive during the Google IO keynote so I had time to listen to the livestream of all three hours while driving […]

Where does your App make it’s money

This week has been just as crazy as any other week, but I guess that’s a good thing. Had a great time this week at my first every iOS Meetup (a sister group of TMUG). While the group was small, we had a great time sharing new apps and ideas about using our respective devices. […]

The Gaming Community in RTP

It’s right around the corner! The East Coast Game Conference! I’ve gone a couple of times, and if I were not traveling overseas this year, I would certainly make my way to this conference. If you get a chance to go, I’d love to get some of your impressions of this year’s conference. Either comment […]

The Facebook Phone

I was sitting in a long meeting yesterday, and had completely forgotten about the “big” Facebook announcement, when I saw a live stream tweet come across my screen. Figuring I could watch a live blog, and still provide the appropriate engagement in the meeting I was in, launched the link. To my surprise, it wasn’t […]

Finally Back to the Meetup

Last night I made back to one of my favorite Meetups – Triangle Cocoaheads. The format of the meetup is that there are a few speakers and then people can stand up a showcase an app they are working on. Josh Johnson and Jay Thrash gave two great presentations – Josh showed off how to […]

Missed the S4 launch?

Well, as everything would have it, the Samsung Galaxy S4 Launch happened while I was unavailable to watch the live stream. I’ve been trying to find a reliable video but so far the ones I found, have been market private. Oh well, the blogs have been full of tons of good information. Here are just […]

Galaxy IV Launch day

Today is Samsung’s big announcement of the Galaxy IV. The number of leaks and pictures out there are phenomenal, so we probably don’t have to guess what it will look like. Probably don’t have to worry about the specs. The big question is how will it perform? Will it continue to be the Android phone […]